Our Quick & Dirty Guide for Safe & Clean Yoga


Here at THRIVE, your positive transformation is always at the top of our list.

We care about you and the health of our community, which these days, extends to MUCH more than just our yoga practice. While we’re hopeful about spring’s warmer temps squashing the sickness around us, we’re still in the midst of cold and flu season, as well as the Coronavirus scare. With that, it seems timely to share with you our

“Common-Sense-Stay-Healthy” Studio Guidelines

Fever...Fugget about it.

If you have ANY cold, flu, or fever symptoms, PLEASE DO NOT attend classes at Thrive until you are fully recovered.

Don the disinfectant.

Our staff is already taking extra care to disinfect common surfaces throughout the day, beyond our twice-a-day regular disinfecting routine with hospital grade disinfectant. Additional wipes and spray will be available at the front desk as well, should you wish to do your own wipe-down of surfaces or shared items.

Dig the Dirty 30

You’ve heard the top recommendation for preventing the spread of sickness and disease: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds—that includes in between your fingers and under your nails. And don’t touch your face. We’re making a priority out of this at the studio and we encourage you to do the same. There’s nothing quite as sanitary as a little soap and water!

Take the “Touchless” Approach

Celebrate with a smile, hi-five in the air, or jump up and down in jubilee, but for everyone’s well being, for now, no touching, please!

Consider the rent-to-own movement

We are favoring safety over convenience right now, and will suspend the use of shared rental mats, blankets and props (weights, blocks, bands). Class types that normally use props will be instructed accordingly. Please bring your own yoga mat if you usually rent. If you attend Yin classes, please bring your own large towel in place of the shared blanket prop.

Seize the sanitizer.

You are welcome to bring your own hand sanitizer for personal use, for before and after class (do not use in the hot room). We will also have some on hand, but keep in mind that people are doubling up these days and stocks are dwindling—and you always have soap and water as a great alternative.

Hole up at home if you’ve traveled internationally.

COVID-19 is our biggest concern from international travel at the moment. With an incubation period of 14 days, we ask that international travelers avoid the studio for at least that long to ensure you don’t develop symptoms.

Maintain a healthy balance at home and in the studio.

As a general guideline, we encourage you to put your focus into a balanced daily routine that will keep your immune system strong.

  • Eat fresh and healthy foods

  • Avoid (ok, minimize sugar, alcohol, and processed foods)

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Stay on track with your exercise and yoga

  • And, most of all, be a balanced, calming, and positive influence in the midst of all the anxiety and uproar. Stress compromises more than your immune system!

We can keep it clean together, while continuing the most life-giving practice we have.

Thank you for THRIVING, not only individually, but alongside each other. We are better together! Here’s to your health!