Why We Retreat

How a change in scenery

can help change your outlook.

For the last 9 years, we have led hot yoga retreats. They are a lot of work to organize, but as we prepare to go on our 9th retreat in 9 years, we thought we’d take a minute to share why we do it.


Imagine planning a family reunion with 20-30 people. Now imagine doing that every year, sometimes twice a year! I bet most people would say one time is enough of that (sadly, it’s probably why most large family reunions default to weddings and funerals).

A lot of work, stress, and the occasional headache go into planning a retreat. There is always some risk involved with travel, health, and safety. There is even risk involved with putting a large group of adults together, primarily strangers, sticking them in a hot room a few times a day, and expecting them all to get along and have great group dynamics.

So if planning retreats is such a pain point, why do we keep going back?


So if planning retreats is such a pain point, why do we keep going back?
— Ian

Many of us know— all too well from our own lives— that when we’re stressed and tired, we tend to see problems and difficulties everywhere we look. This becomes extra tricky when feeling stressed and tired for extended periods; it’s easy to believe this is just ‘how life is’— like that perspective is the only true reality of life. And when even a small group of people feeling this same way get together and complain about life, it can be like adding fuel to the fire of a stressed and complex reality.

On the flip side, most of us remember waking up after a fantastic night's sleep or a truly restful vacation or break. When we are rested and rejuvenated, we feel fresh, see possibilities, and sense hope. All of a sudden, our minds are more creative. Joy and happiness may even bubble up from within. We may even sense that happiness and hope are the actual reality of Self and life. The world has remained the same, but we see ourselves and the world differently— it is a much more enjoyable head space to operate in.


Keeping all that in mind, we continue planning and leading our retreats year after year—even with all the work and mental hurdles involved.

Picture 30 stressed and tired people are taking a plane and heading to Mexico. Are they pumped about it? You bet (maybe a touch nervous, too, if it is their first time). But generally speaking, there is a feeling of excitement in the air. Does that mean fatigue and stress instantly disappears? Not a chance. Stress and fatigue have a way of lodging into the nervous system and physiology, and a simple flight won’t make that go away— yet.

Then something happens during the retreat week. A kind of magic elixir strikes. Some feel it right away. For others, it happens mid-week. And for a few, it’s the very last day. Eventually, however, it comes to us all. The shoulders let down. The frowns and jaw grinding melt away. Laughter bubbles up. Sometimes tears flow. Unexpected friendships, bonding, and connections bud. New possibilities and insights about life start to dawn. At some point, your heart opens, and you feel one with the movement and stillness of the Life, and you know are an essential part of it all. People begin feeling better and better about themselves and life—it’s a genuinely wonderful experience.

  • Maybe it’s because we are stepping out of the hamster wheel of everyday life.

  • Maybe it’s the healthy food and private chef.

  • Maybe it’s the yoga.

  • Maybe it’s getting out into nature and sunshine.

  • Maybe it's doing some new activity that is outside of your comfort zone.

  • Maybe it’s being surrounded by supportive people.

  • Maybe it’s being taken care of all week, letting down, and letting go.

Whatever causes the magic on a retreat doesn’t really matter. What matters is that IT HAPPENS. And it makes the year-long planning and work worth it many times over.


This weekend, we are heading to Mexico with a group of 30 Thrive Hot Yogis—a mix of brand new retreat goers, repeaters, some new to yoga, and some bringing a new friend or family member. It’s a thrilling time.

We’d love for you to join us this fall in West Virginia or next March in Mexico— see below for details!

Until then, we invite you to tune in via social media (and check out last year’s photos below) to see some of the fun.

FB Page. Instagram.


Mexico 2022


Potomac 2022


Save the dates!

Our next 2 retreats are planned!

Reserve your spot on either retreat with a $500 deposit


March 24-30, 2024
Casa Om in Puerto Morelos

Check out the rooms, rates, and location here.


October 2-6th, 2023
Casa Om in West Virginia

Check out the rooms, rates, and location here.

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