It's time. "Re-treat" yourself.





  1. move back or withdraw

  2. withdraw to a quiet or secluded place.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

In this haywire world of voices, to-do’s, and demands pelleting us from every direction, chances at rest, renewal, and restoration are fleeting. That’s why we prioritize retreats at THRIVE. We want to curl in, to seclude, to spend dedicated time reconnecting to our best Selves — and we want to inspire you to do the same, both individually and with other THRIVERS.

If your interest is piqued—even if overwhelm is creeping in at just preparing to get away—we have great news for you on all fronts. We’re beyond excited to offer two upcoming, out-of-studio-and-out-of-this-world retreat opportunities, both of which you have plenty of time to plan for (though we encourage you to sign up ASAP). More on that in a bit…

For now, we’re here to tout the benefits of creating time for a retreat right where you are.

Based on a 20-year study by a Cornell University professor, enduring happiness comes from breaking out of our everyday routine. Why wait until later this year to withdraw from the noise? Maintain your sanity and even find new levels of contentment and positive transformation in your home or community right now.


Here are 5 tips on how to break your routine and “retreat” right here.



Consider and pin down WHY you would like to retreat. Identifying your purpose will give you the laser-like focus to a truly successful time away.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but intentionally decide WHEN this will happen. We recommend at least a full day, but multiple days or a weekend may be more appropriate. Put it on your calendar and commit. What’s even better, tell family and friends what you’re doing and how important it is, so they can support you—and so that you stick to it.


What environments bring you peace? If home isn’t an option (or a peaceful place) let your mind wander and consider out-of-the-box and low-cost ideas like house-sitting for a friend, a Catholic monastery, botanical gardens, or even a low-cost Air BnB home nearby. Consider locations surrounded by nature and away from hustle and bustle.


Plan WHAT you’ll do, WHAT you’ll eat, WHAT’s allowed, WHAT is not. Having this in your back pocket, lunch box, and/or journal will eliminate the decision process during your actual retreat. What practices are important to you? What meals will make it easy to relax and not have to seek out food? Will you put away your devices and completely disconnect? (Hint: the answer is YES). Establish your agenda, your guidelines, and your meal plan, and all that will be left is actually enjoying your time.


Don’t self-sabotage. Short of a family emergency, refuse to let the “buts” creep in. You know what we’re talking about here.

“I would, BUT...I need to finish this thing at work.”

“I would, sister really needs a night out, and I’m the only person they trust with their kids.”

If you Turn the BUT WAITs, into CAN WAITs, and then DON’T WAIT. Committing this time to yourself will bring out your best Self, and put you in the best place to impact those around you with your renewed sense of peace and positivity. Taking our advice? Tell us! We’d love to hear where you went, what you did, and how it impacted you.

While you’re planning your more immediate home retreat, plan way ahead and consider one of our big, beautiful, life-changing retreats later this year! The WHEN, WHERE, and WHAT are all planned for you and we couldn’t be more pumped about our locations.

We’ll host our first-ever getaway in the U.S. with our Casa Om Potomac retreat in West Virginia this fall. Imagine daily hot yoga classes, guided relaxation meditations, and fresh, inspiring food, surrounded by the peace and tranquility of the Potomac. Shelly describes our new location exquisitely:

My three basic needs to feel happy, well and peaceful are to be warm, to be well fed, and feel good in my body. To retreat and to receive such exquisite care from others and to be surrounded by nature, love, laughter is the sweetest medicine. Retreating to Casa Om Potomac is an infusion of soul medicine.

Need to leave the country (we get it!)?

Join us when we head to Casa Om Mexico, Jan 24-30, 2021. Get away from the world in this idyllic location and experience daily hot yoga AND pilates, gourmet local food, and the beauty of a boutique Caribbean hot yoga retreat center in Puerto Morelos for a full week!

Space is limited and spots fill up fast. Reserve your spot today and “re-treat yourself” the gift of an unforgettable experience!


Casa Om Mexico

Tropical and sublime — an experience unlike any other.


Casa om potomac

Green and glorious — a divine homegrown yoga experience.