Thrive Posture Focus - Standing Separate-Leg Head To-Knee
Standing Separate-Leg Head-To-Knee
Standing Separate-Leg Head To-Knee
Standing Separate-Leg Head-to-Knee is not a stretching pose, it is a compression pose. This is a combination of Rabbit Pose (stomach in, back rounded, throat choked) and balancing stick (arms stretching).
Sanskrit: Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana
Benefits: It is good for digestion and endocrine systems, metabolism, body chemistry, and the immune system.
Technical Points:
Keep your elbows locked throughout the posture and arms always touching with the ears
3 feet distance between the feet
Hips exactly in one line from the side
Two heels in one line; backside foot should be at a 45° angle
Chin to chest and forehead should touch the knee
Hands should be stretched forward beyond the toes
Keep elbows straight
Push your hands against the floor to get your knee locked
Suck your stomach in, throat choked, eyes open, and breathing normal
Maximum weight on front leg
The hip of your forward leg is sticking up towards the ceiling to get both hips in one line
Remember to lock the knee
Important Things to Remember:
The posture doesn’t start until your forehead is touching your knee. If you can’t touch your forehead, bend your right knee a little bit, but you have to touch your forehead to the knee
Keep elbows straight and locked
Back leg always locked
Keep heels flat to the floor
If you’re having trouble balancing you can open your hands