Thrive Posture Focus - Fixed Firm Pose
Fixed Firm Pose
Fixed Firm Pose
Fixed Firm, when practiced correctly and consistently, can improve the physiology of the knees, ankles, and hips. It also strengthens and improves the flexibility of the lower spine, hips, knees, and ankle joints.
Sanskrit: Supta-Vajrasana
Benefits: Increasing lower limb circulation, Fixed Firm can be therapeutic for lower back pain, sciatica, rheumatism, and varicose veins. Strengthening the psoas muscles, it can help to prevent hernias. Fixed Firm benefits the spleen which helps the liver as well as strengthens the immune system.
Technical Points:
Heels touching the hips
Your shoulders should touch the floor
Bring your arms over your head
Grab each of your elbows over your head
Pull your elbows down towards the floor
Chin towards the chest, neck flat on the floor
Lift your chest and stomach up towards the ceiling, create a perfect human bridge
Eventually, or in the future, bring your knees together, touching each other
Eyes open, breathing normal
Important Things to Remember:
Make sure heels are touching the hips the whole time
As a beginner, or if your knees hurt, you can open your knees
Make sure knees never come off the floor
Be careful of the knees, open them as wide as you need to
Hold the posture for 20 seconds